In the Garden


Rarely do I write religious poems, thinking myself unequal to the sacred task.  Today, however, during a contemplative moment, images of our Lord suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, pushed upon my mind, through my fingertips, to form this poem.  I feel that I don’t know Jesus well, but I do believe that I understand something of his purpose for us, that is, to create us anew in his image, through his Atonement, into beings of light, goodness, kindness, empathy, understanding, generosity, forgiveness, and truth.  He whispers to us every moment of every day, helping us to change, oh so imperceptibly, incrementally, to become more like him.  His end is our eternal happiness.


drops of blood,
crimson, thick,
fall, to spatter
on the rocks,
the sand, the soil,
running on the exposed roots
of an ancient olive tree,
purple roots
in the darkness,
choked whispers and sobs

5 thoughts on “In the Garden

  1. Pingback: Meaning of Sacrifice | Belgian Biblestudents - Belgische Bijbelstudenten

  2. fromtheheartofmeblog

    Roger: I have only began to post my thoughts in poetry form and would love to get some feedback from you and any friends you may want to share my post with. Most of mine are religious in nature but some are just off the cuff. Please like and follow to see all my poems. Am looking forward to reading more of yours. Thanks FTHOM

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